The infinite pool of unintentional hilarity - An Infinity Pool review
Brendon Cronenberg's "Infinity Pool" is quite the trip, isn't it? Starting off with a "Nocturnal Animals"-esque opening and spiralling into a psychedelic second half, this film packs in a stack of enjoyable moments. Unfortunately, the director seems to be having a bit of an identity crisis when it comes to our main man James, played by the ever-brooding Alexander Skarsgård. One minute we're meant to loathe him, the next we're expected to sympathise with his miseries, which, let's be honest, become unintentionally hilarious. You know there's a bit of a character development issue when you find yourself cheering on Mia Goth as she tears strips off him, right?
Now, don't get me wrong, the film's got style. The visuals are a feast for the eyes, and the narrative flows smoother than a pint of your favourite lager. The performances? Top-notch. It's just that James is riding a plot-convenient rollercoaster that's a bit too wobbly for comfort, keeping this movie from rubbing shoulders with modern horror legends like "Titane."
You see, in this world of cinematic escapades, we're not just looking for a good scare or a wild ride. We're after a journey we can invest in, characters we love to hate or hate to love. "Infinity Pool" teeters on the edge of greatness, but it's like that mate who promises to be the life of the party yet ends up snoozing on the couch by 9 PM.
Brendon Cronenberg is channelling a bit of that Cronenberg DNA we've come to know – think less "Scanners" and more "Existenz." There's a touch of that classic Cronenbergian surrealism, but it's like he's not quite sure whether to fully embrace his old man's legacy or to carve out his own niche. This flick is like a Venn diagram where modern horror meets psychological head-scratchers, but it's not quite nailing the sweet spot.
The real kicker in "Infinity Pool" isn't just the psychedelic thrill ride; it's that moment of realisation when you find yourself rooting for Mia Goth as she takes James down a peg. It perfectly encapsulates the film's tug-of-war between its strengths and weaknesses. On one hand, you've got this brilliantly crafted scene of Mia Goth, spread-eagle, drinking wine on a car bonnet, shooting insults and bullets at James that's so funny you forget his pain is meant to be front and centre. This is just one of the stark reminders that James' character development is about as stable as a kangaroo on a tightrope.
This film is a rollercoaster designed by a mad scientist. It's got the highs, the lows, and a few loops that will leave you dizzy. It's an ambitious blend of style and substance, but it can't quite decide whether it's a homage to the Cronenberg family legacy or an edgy standalone piece. That 'you go girl' moment is the cherry on top of a sundae that's both deliciously satisfying and a tad confusing. It's the perfect snapshot of a film that's got all the ingredients for greatness but keeps tripping over its own pretence. Still, it's worth a watch if you're up for a cinematic adventure that's as unpredictable as Melbourne weather.